Take a look around
Explore new places before leaving home. Enter an address or landmark tap two glasses. Drag in any direction to look around. Available for select locations.
Save a favorite location
Add an important place to your favorite list so you can quickly get directions later. Tap below the address, tap Add favorites.
Share your arrival time
Share your ETA with a friend, so they know when to expect you. Tap the arrow, tap share ETA, then choose who you want to share it with. Or say “Hello Siri” share my ETA.
Plan an adventure
To get recommendation from experts, for where to eat and what to do , Tap explore Guides, tap down arrow, then choose a city. Or tap new Guide to create and share collection of places. Guides available for select cities.
Report and accident or harzard
While you are driving, Map warns you about traffic conditions. To report hazards hands free , say something like Hey Siri, their’s a crash .